Thursday, April 17, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Having our own family is not so easy especially if you don’t own a house for the whole family to live in. That’s what hubby and I have been discussing lately if when will we be working at this plan of owning our own home. While it’s not so easy and quick process, we have to plan it carefully. We have to consider the exact place we want to have our own home built, would it be easy for us to reach our work and the different establishments that we need to go to every time.

And most of all, we also have to consider the expenses of applying for one aside from paying for the house and lot. Now it left me thinking if do I have to study about Mortgage before we jump into paying for a house and lot. But then again, hubby and I also consider availing the housing loan benefits that we could get from a certain government office.

It won’t hurt if we try availing it. In fact, it will help us start on our own and avoid spending a lot for rent which we knew even from the start that the house won’t be ours even after so many years we will be living here. So we come up with a decision to apply for a housing loan in the future. But before we do that, we have to study everything first so that there will be no hassle in paying for the mortgage. It’s just a good thing that I found a site that can help me with my thorough study, the


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